September 2023

4-H at Home Activity Guides

Download over 100 activities to help young people continue doing and learning all year long, including STEM, Crafting and more for grades Pre-K-12. Sign up to download an (or all) of the 4-H at Home Activity Guides for over 100 fun handson educational activities for children of all ages.
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4-H Website offers downloadable activities

The hands-on educational resources 4-H is known for are now available at home! Whether you are a 4-H member, a virtual learner, a homeschooler or just looking for some quick and fun activities to take your interests to the next level, 4-H at Home has something for everyone. Explore the resources below and join the 4-H newsletter to stay updated about new at Home activities.
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About Arkansas 4-H

4-H is the premier youth development program conducted by the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service. 4-H, the four H’s we emphasize are: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health is designed to prepare young people to step up to the challenge in their communities and provide youth with the skills to lead for a lifetime.
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Equity and 4-H

Access, equity, diversity, and inclusion are essential elements of 4-H’s goals related to positive youth development and organizational sustainability. For more than 20 years, 4-H has been intentional in building an organization and culture of belonging by actively inviting the contributions and participation of all youth.
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