August 2023

Growing Up Flippin The Thrill of a New School Year

By Cindy Wood Young Students in most area schools will be starting the new school year sometime this week. And, again, it’s causing me to stroll down the proverbial “memory lane.” I was one of those kids who could hardly wait each summer for school to get out so I would be free to spend the days having adventures, riding my beloved bike with my ride-or-die friend, Vickie, and more.
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Here is Roadie

This beautiful gray and white Tuxedo were brought to us in mid-June, and we estimate his date of birth around April 1. A kind lady walked into Have-AHeart with him, thinking he had a broken leg because she had found him by the side of a road a few days earlier.
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August Jury Duty

ALL Marion County Jurors need to be sure to call the night before every scheduled date to confirm reporting. Marion County Jurors on the ORANGE Panel DO NOT need to report August 14 or August 15.
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