July 2023

Weekend Weather

Friday-Partly cloudy with a high near 85 degrees and a low of 66 decrees with a slight chance of rain. Saturday- Partly cloudy with a high of 88 degrees and a low near 68 degrees.
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State of the MC Sheriff’s Office

Saturday, July 1, is the six-month mark since taking office as your Sheriff here at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office (MSCO). The time has certainly gone by quickly as each day seems to bring new challenges or new opportunities for learning. As an update, here are some highlights of what we have been working on: We are still in the process of solidifying a 2023 budget. There are many challenges from the cost of everything going up (as you well know), to maintaining a facility of this nature, as well as providing for the medical and daily needs of inmates. We have been digging into the details of these expenses and implementing processes and procedures to keep those costs down as much as possible.
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When we see the first bit of green finally break through the earth or bud form on a tree outside our window, we know spring has indeed sprung. That’s when many of us start to think of our pollinator friends and what we can do to help them as our plants begin to grow and bloom.

“Ossifragus”, New to the Ozarks

Along the Ozark streams, a favorite place of mine nowadays, as it gets hot and muggy, there comes the cry of a strange type of crow, a kind of caw that sounds like the black rascal is choking on something or trying to gargle. When I take people down the river who aren’t familiar with the ‘fish crow’ they are puzzled by the call.
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Right to Repair

Colorado’s first-in-the-nation law allowing farmers to repair their own equipment could be “the first chink in the armor” that has allowed only manufacturers to complete some repairs, said Rusty Rumley, senior staff attorney for the National Agricultural Law Center. Rusty Rumley comments on Colorado’s right-to-repair law.
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