July 2023

Steve & Judy Hobbs anniversary

This is the 50th wedding anniversary announcement for Steve & Judy Hobbs. Steve Hobbs and Judy Methvin were married August 4, 1973, in Yellville. The couple will celebrate their 50th anniversary from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, August 6, at the Eros Community Building. All friends and family are invited to attend the open house to honor this special couple.
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Workshop in Bull Shoals

Cindy Young The Bull Shoals City Council met for its monthly workshop session on July 18. The only item on the agenda was continued discussion about the old Village Mart property which sits on Highway 178/Central Boulevard.
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2023 Phillips Farm

The family enjoys a life that includes celebrating each other with birthday parties and supporting one another. Terry and Regina are enjoying watching the children succeed and grandchildren grow up in Arkansas.
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The farm runs

The farm runs consistently but there are operations that must be completed on time and occasionally need to be completed in specific ways. Other forms of farming done by the Phillips Family is baling hay to help feed the cattle and calves, collecting wood to burn in the heating units and special garden in the immediate back yard of Terry and Regina.
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76th Marion County Farm Family

Terry and Regina Phillips and family earned the honor of being named the 2023 Marion County Farm Family by the Arkansas Farm Bureau and represent many generations of Phillips family farming in Everton, Arkansas. The county winners for the 76th annual Farm Family of the Year for Marion County is the Phillips Family of Everton, Arkansas.
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First District

Taking a drive-up US-67, from Little Rock to Walnut Ridge, you will see signs that say, “Future I-57.” How does this impact the average Arkansan? Having an Interstate doesn’t just lead to faster travel between destinations, it also opens the door for additional industrial projects that could bring new jobs to our region. Many companies and manufacturers desire proximity to trade routes and, according to economic developers in the First District, industry site locators use this requirement as an initial screen for determining whether a community will be considered.
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Extension Corner

Shade trees foster cooler temperatures underneath their leafy boughs, and that can translate to lower utility bills for homeowners, said Jim Robbins, extension horticulture specialist-ornamentals with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. “Shade trees that are properly located on your property can cut summer utility bills by 20 percent or More,” he said.
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