January 2023

MC Senior Citizen Menu

*Menu subject to change* Suggested donation of $4. If you would like a substitute salad, please call by 11 am 870-453-8488 Under 60 and carry out $7 **Lunch served Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.* January 16 – 20 Monday: Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tuesday: Cream of Broccoli Soup, Crackers, Tuna Salad Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries, Pineapples Wednesday: Birthday Lunch Chef’s Choice, Breaded Shrimp, Creamy Coleslaw, Hushpuppies, Baked Beans, Cake & Ice Cream Thursday: Mushroom Chicken, Wild Rice Blend, Broccoli Florets Wheat Roll, Mixed Berry Crisp Friday: French Dip Sandwich, Baked Potato, Chips, Mixed Vegetables, Mandarin Oranges
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Cotter School Menu

This institution is an equal opportunity provider Menu is Subject to Change January 16 – January 20 Monday: Breakfast: Mini Cinni, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Beef Fingers, Mashed Potatoes, Black Eyed Peas, Tropical Fruit, Hot Roll 9-12, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Tuesday: Breakfast: Ham and Egg Biscuit, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Chicken Stir Fry, Rice, Mandarin Oranges, Egg Roll, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Wednesday: Breakfast: Pancake, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Hamburger, Lettuce-Tomato-Pickle, French Fries, Banana, Rice Krispy Treat, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Thursday: Breakfast: Yogurt and Graham Crackers, or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Spaghetti, Side Salad, Italian Bread, Mixed Berry Cup, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Friday: Breakfast: Biscuit with Gravy, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Chicken Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries, Lettuce-Tomato-Pickle, Applesauce, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk .
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Flippin School District

This institution is an equal opportunity provider, Menu is Subject to Change January 16 – January 20 Monday: Breakfast: Mini Cinni, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Beef Fingers, Mashed Potatoes, Black Eyed Peas, Tropical Fruit, Hot Roll 9-12, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Tuesday: Breakfast: Ham and Egg Biscuit, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Chicken Stir Fry, Rice, Mandarin Oranges, Egg Roll, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Wednesday: Breakfast: Pancake, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Hamburger, Lettuce-Tomato-Pickle, French Fries, Banana, Rice Krispy Treat, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Thursday: Breakfast: Yogurt and Graham Crackers, or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Spaghetti, Side Salad, Italian Bread, Mixed Berry Cup, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk Friday: Breakfast: Biscuit with Gravy, Or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Chicken Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries, Lettuce-Tomato-Pickle, Applesauce, Fruit Choice 9-12, Milk
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Pets of the Week

by Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter Year-end numbers are in for Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter and what a year 2022 was! In those twelve months, our all-volunteer organization took in/ rescued 641 dogs and 192 cats for a total of 833 animals! We processed adoptions for 134 dogs and 187 cats for a total of 321. Additionally, 448 dogs were transferred out of state where they would have better chances for being adopted.
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Getting to Know My Dad

I am just going to say, right up front, I’m cheating again this week. It’s been a particularly busy and stressful week for me, so as the deadline was looming for this week’s article, I panicked! What would I write about? So, I’m going back to my Dad’s memories (which, again, are considerably before the 1960s I like to write about).
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