June 2022

Intensive Grazing

With the rising costs of everything involved in farming i.e.: fuel, fertilizer, chemicals, seeds, etc., one must look at ways to manage their property in a more efficient manner. One practice that offers many advantages in cost reduction of the things mentioned above is Management Intensive Grazing. We will discuss what is involved in this practice and some of its advantages.
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A Beller from the Pond

I built a nice pond up here on this ridge top about 25 years ago, and it was a wise move, though an expensive one at the time. I have stocked it with fish, but I don’t fish it much except when I need bait for a trotline. It is a pretty much easy place to catch a bucket full of 4 or 5-inch sunfish. Last night as I sat on the porch watching the sunset, I heard a big ol’ bullfrog bellerin’ from the pond. There is a lots of them too and in the summer they beller a lot. I catch them from the nearby river every now and then, because, as most of you know, they are great eating. But for some reason I have never eaten one from my pond. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’d rather hear ‘em than eat ‘em
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Charles Heuer of Lead Hill

Charles Jennings Heuer, 82, of Lead Hill, was born on December 1, 1939, in Clinton, Iowa, and was raised in Calamus, Iowa, with older brother, Gene, and younger sister, Shirley; passing away at Washington Regional Medical Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on May 6th, 2022, from aspiration pneumonia at the end of a 12-day hospitalization stay, after he fell and broke his hip. His children were by his side, his daughter was holding his hand.
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