June 2022

Safe Schools

This week, officials from the Arkansas Center for School Safety (ACSS) provided members of the House and Senate Education Committees with an update on school safety measures taken in recent years. In 2018, the Governor created the Safe Schools Commission to assess the state of school security in Arkansas.
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Health Tips for Summer with your Children

Summer is a favorite time of year for many children, and with good reason. The long days of summer provide a much-anticipated break from school and are often filled with swimming, cookouts, travel and outdoor fun. But summer can also carry danger for children. Drowning incidents increase during the summer months, and the hot sun puts kids at risk of sunburn, dehydration and heat-related illness.
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How to Stay Connected During Weather-Related Disasters

(StatePoint) While the summer season often signifies the start of hurricane season and wildfires, the rise in natural disasters has made preparedness a year-long process. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administation (NOAA) reported 2021 was the third-most active hurricane season on record, with 21 named storms. According to CoreLogic, about one in every 10 homes in the United States was impacted to some degree by natural disasters in 2021.
Read MoreHow to Stay Connected During Weather-Related Disasters

Stopping the Slide

Summer is a time for kids to kick back, take a break from routine, and enjoy lazy days. It also, in many cases, is when learning loss- aka “The Summer Slide” can take place. Summer setbacks are nothing new regarding academics and the phenomenon has been researched by educators since the beginning of time. On average, student achievement can decline over the summer by up to a third of a prior year’s learning gains. Loss is usually greater in mathematics than reading, and higher grade leveled students are more noticeably affected than younger learners. The summer slide can be measured in both social skills and classroom discipline, in addition to academics.
Read MoreStopping the Slide