May 2022

The faces of Democracy . . .

Last week the Courier and some of our sister newspapers owned by CherryRoad Media in Arkansas had a visit from the new Vice President of Growth and Development, Lee Bachlet. I proudly discussed the Courier and our community. I explained that we strive to cover local news, and our people, all while fulfilling our role of watchdog for the community. It’s a delicate balance. The newspaper must have the backs of residents and support the school, local governments and businesses. I like to think of the newspaper as a vehicle to help people in the community. The role of the newspaper should be about doing what you can to help solve problems in the town and county where it resides. It’s about supporting the community by shining a light on what is right and what needs to be fixed. It’s challenging work, especially if an entity tries to throw up a roadblock to transparency that is a right given to the public.
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Economic Development Leaders Celebrate Economic Development Week in Arkansas

Little Rock - May 9 – 13 has been proclaimed Economic Development Week in Arkansas by Governor Asa Hutchinson marking the third year of this statewide proclamation recognizing the work of economic developers across the state. Earlier this month, the governor met with state and local economic developers to present the proclamation to Mallory Darby, 2022 president of Arkansas Economic Developers and Chamber Executives (AEDCE).
Read MoreEconomic Development Leaders Celebrate Economic Development Week in Arkansas

Early Voting and Ballot Issues

Yellville — We live in a democratic society where voting is a privilege of citizenship. Democracy works best when informed citizens exercise their voting privilege. Did you know the U of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture conducts voter education efforts? Our Public Policy Center provides unbiased information on State and local ballot issues at Here you will find the latest news and updates to state and local ballot issues. There is even a place where you can ask questions.
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A Higher Vantage Point

I don’t get to a modern church very often today. That was something I did since I was young and had no choice in the matter. But I love to spend Sunday mornings out in the woods somewhere or off on the river, where I feel closer to God than anywhere else, I have ever been. I don’t like to be around a lot of people, I like being outdoors alone as often as possible. But I am not at all anti-social. In the last few years, I have spent a great deal of time speaking to folks in churches or various places around the Ozarks, and I enjoy that. In fact, I will be speaking this coming Saturday evening at the Shepherd of the Hills. I have the same weakness, I suppose, as many of the old timers I grew up around, in the pool hall back in my hometown. I do a lot better at talking than listening!
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Mid-America Science Museum Presents an Exhibit 75 million Years in the Making

“This new exhibit celebrates and explores the fascinating world of Dinosaurs at their prime and the catastrophic event that may have caused their extinction, while giving rise to our own species,” said Diane LaFollette, Museum executive director. “Think of it as a cross between the excitement of Jurassic Park and the adventure of Indiana Jones. We know that visitors of all ages are going to love it,” she added.
Read MoreMid-America Science Museum Presents an Exhibit 75 million Years in the Making