April 2022


Have-A-Heart Puppies, puppies, and more puppies! Have a Heart Pet Shelter (HAH) loves puppies, but even we have limits to what we can do. A couple of weeks ago in this space, we talked about “kitten season” and what we all can do to try to reduce the consequences of unwanted kittens, a number which often explodes this time of year.

Should we keep bird feeders up during the Summer

Should we continue to feed birds through the summer like we do during the winter? A persistent bird feeding myth is that feeding birds during the summer will make the birds dependent on handouts or lazy when seeking natural food sources. This is simply untrue studies have shown that wild birds typically receive no more than 25 percent of their daily food from feeders, and for many backyard species the total is even lower. Summer can be a rewarding season to have a suitable bird buffet in your backyard, and these summer bird feeding tips can help you attract a varied flock of feathered friends. In fact, summer is an ideal time to feed birds because of the following: long days give backyard birders more time to observe feeders and see many different hungry visitors. Birds are in their breeding plumage during the summer months, making identification easier and more enjoyable with bright colors and clear markings. Birds are raising their families, giving backyard birders the opportunity to watch nestlings mature as they learn to visit bird feeders.
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