April 2022

Cooking with Mumzy!

Hello everyone, I hope this week finds you all in good health and happy spirits. Here on the home front all is going well, or as well as it can be. As I always say why gripe about it, nobody can do anything about it but myself, so I always just put on a smile and go about my business and do the best I can with what I have in me. I enjoy finding old recipes that my mother, grandmother, and aunts have passed on to me. I love to cook and sometimes when I am typing these recipes up, I find myself sad because I just don’t have the time to cook like I used to. I thought as we got older, we were supposed to have more time than when we were younger. But honestly, I had more time when my youngest two children were home and I was a stay at home mom. I fixed a nice breakfast, lunch and a very nice dinner every night.
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Spring into the Growing Season

Spring flowering bulbs and perennials are filling our landscapes with color. As your gardens come alive this spring, start making notes on needed improvements and provide some early season color and nectar for the pollinators. This will keep your landscape looking its best all season long and for years to come.
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WrestleMania, Who Returns, Retires, Warrior Award, and who is Inducted into the Hall of Fame

Some interesting things are happening in Wrestle-Mania in 2022. After two straight years of having no crowds then limited-capacity crowds due to COVID-19 restrictions, Wrestle Mania 38 brought WWE’s flagship event back to normalcy with a full crowd packed inside AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.
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Covid19 and New Businesses

During Covid19, new business’ found things tough. The City of Flippin, as well as other cities, saw new small businesses spring up to help people with their needs in different ways. The internet was a way that many residents in NCA (North Central Arkansas) shopped because the transmission rate was drastically reduced.
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Thank You!

The Flippin School District, the Flippin School Board, the students, and parents and the Flippin Superintendent would like to say Thank You and we appreciate all the staff does to make the schools a better place.
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