April 2022

Building a Better Arkansas Through Service

Arkansans are unfortunately familiar with the devastating impacts of tornadoes. I’ve seen the damage left in their powerful wake and talked with homeowners, businesses and local leaders about the challenges they face in getting things back to normal. In the face of these trials, I have also seen the resolve of citizens determined to rebuild and the care of those who offer hope through words and deeds to friends and neighbors experiencing some of the greatest hardships of their lives.
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Teachers Salaries in Arkansas

Little Rock – Average teacher salaries in Arkansas ranked 47th in the nation in 2020, down from 46th in 2019 and 44th in 2018. Legislators on the Senate and House Education Committees heard a lengthy salary comparison last week, written by legislative staff.
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Voting in Arkansas

An important deadline is approaching if you plan on voting in the May 24 Preferential Primary Election and Nonpartisan General Election. If you have not already registered to vote, you have until April 25 to file your voter registration application with your county clerk.
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USDA Announces Funding to Establish and Improve Waterfowl Habitat in Arkansas

Little Rock – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Arkansas in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) will provide $2 million in fiscal year 2022 to benefit waterfowl through the implementation of Conservation Practice Standard (CPS) 646-Shallow Water Development and Management to counties within the Lower Mississippi Alluvial valley.
Read MoreUSDA Announces Funding to Establish and Improve Waterfowl Habitat in Arkansas

Man versus Golf

You know how sometimes you go to visit your parents, but you don’t want to stay with them because, you know, they’re your parents? So, you decide to stay nearby, but not that nearby because, well, they’re your parents? But it’s also spring break for the kiddos so you dish out a little more scratch than usual and stay not just at a hotel but a resort with a full-on water park, with lots of pools and water slides galore? And you know how the first few days are good, clean family fun, swimming during the days, seeing the folks in the evening but then you learn that the resort offers something else and that something else is… golf? And you know how halfway through your stay, the PGA walks in like they own the joint? I hate it when that happens.
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Be sure to bring your A game

My campaign to become a social media influencer failed. I don’t have the dance moves for TikTok, the wit for Twitter or patience for the mendacious garbage on Facebook. I thought you just popped off about your favorite restaurant or made a snarky comment about skinny jeans – wait, those aren’t a thing anymore, right? – and the world’s adulation and riches were laid at your feet. I was mistaken.
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Caterpillars to butterflies . . .

2022 Seniors . . . Well, here you are about to graduate. I’m sure you’re pinching yourself at the prospect of reaching your goal of the last 12 years. I think of you all as caterpillars. You’re about to leave your cocoons; your high school and homes, to emerge as butterflies and fly away to your futures.
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ACHI board proposes ‘Day of Reflection and Healing’

Little Rock- Over the past two years, Arkansas has felt the impact of the pandemic in many ways. To date, more than 11,000 Arkansans have died because of COVID-19. Community and faith leaders have an opportunity now to help Arkansans process the traumas and human losses we have experienced during the pandemic, the board of the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement said Thursday.
Read MoreACHI board proposes ‘Day of Reflection and Healing’

Affordable Health Screenings Coming to Bull Shoals, Arkansas

Bull Shoals, Arkansas – Residents living in and around the Bull Shoals, Arkansas can learn about their risk for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and other chronic, serious conditions with affordable screenings by Life Line Screening. Hoevel-Barnett VFW Post 1341 will host this community event on April 23, 2022. The site is located at 1206 Central Boulevard in Bull Shoals.
Read MoreAffordable Health Screenings Coming to Bull Shoals, Arkansas