April 2022

More on cover crops

Cover crops have seized the spotlight. After an active year in 2021, where input prices soared, carbon programs multiplied, and millions of dollars were invested in climate-smart practices, the surge of interest in cover crops isn’t subsiding soon. Last week we discussed using cover crops to lessen the use of insecticide. This week we will discuss more advantages of cover crops to consider.
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Yvonne Adamson of Freck

Yvonne Marie Villneff Adamson of Freck, Arkansas graduated to heaven on April 13, 2022. She did not have much time to plan or even pack for this once in a lifetime trip, but when Jesus calls you drop everything and run into His arms. Yvonne was born in Highland Park MI on May 21, 1949, and was a graduate of Calico Rock High School, North Arkansas College, as well as Grace Bible Institute with a bachelor’s degree in Ministry.
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