April 2022

For the Birds

Years ago, I spoke to the Audubon Society Chapter at Pittsburg Kansas, and enjoyed getting to spend some time with folks who truly love all aspects of nature, especially birds. I think my talk went over really well except for my woodpecker recipes. On a more serious side, I myself have had a great fascination with birds since I was very small. I wanted to grow up and be a waterfowl biologist when I was only eleven years old, and floated the Big Piney River in the fall, sneaking up on wood ducks and hooded mergansers and mallards and teal and other birds.
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With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the area now known as Marion County, Arkansas, became a part of the United States. In 1810 Marion County was a part of the New Madrid district of Louisiana Territory and in 1812 was a part of Missouri Territory. Arkansas Territory was created in 1819. In 1820 a small portion of Marion County was in Lawrence County, while most of it was within the Cherokee Indian Tract. It wasn’t until November 1835 that Arkansas was recognized as a state. During this transitional period, the first white settlers came - some to trade with the Indians, some to find a new way of life. Mostly these people were hunters, trappers, and fishermen; none were farmers.
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Linda Chris Smith Gifts $50,000 to MCCCP

In loving memory of her husband, Christopher Frederick Smith, Linda Chris Smith, and Family have donated $50,000.00 to the Marion County Community Center Project. Ms. Linda presented the check to Marion County Judge John Massey to pass on to Marion County Community Services, Inc. She was inspired to donate to the community center project following a discussion with Judge Massey in which he indicated his full support for the local effort.
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Attorney General Rutledge Asks GoFundMe for Clarity, Disclosure

FORREST CITY, AR – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will invest $420 million in 132 infrastructure projects in 31 states. This includes a $95.9 million investment for 19 projects in Arkansas. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Terry Cosby made the announcement at the Forrest City Civic Center before visiting one of the project sites in Marianna.
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Ensuring Federal Agencies are Accessible, Accountable to Arkansans

As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’ve delivered improvements to benefits and services for Arkansas veterans. Crafting policies and approving legislation is one way to fulfill the promise made to the men and women who served in our nation’s uniform. Just as importantly is cutting through red tape and breaking down hurdles blocking access to the critical care and services Congress authorized the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide.
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