February 2022

Powerful Plea

When we’re young we don’t realize how sacred life really is. We tend to think more about ourselves and what is more convenient for us. Years later, sometimes many years later we admit that OUR CHOICE regarding abortion was a mistake, not the innocent baby.
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Planning for a new arrival

Getting ready for a baby’s arrival involves a lot more than just buying a crib, stroller, and boxes of diapers. According to the 2022 Annual Childproofing Report by SafeHome.org, 40% of parents believe a child’s injury could have been avoided had they taken proper child proofing precautions in and around the home.
Read MorePlanning for a new arrival

Womack Acts to Ensure Only American Citizens Can Vote in U.S. Elections

Washington D.C.- Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) today continued his efforts to uphold election integrity by cosponsoring H.R. 6299, the Protecting Our Democracy by Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting Act. The bill prohibits federal funding to states and localities that allow non-citizens to vote in any federal, state, or local election.
Read MoreWomack Acts to Ensure Only American Citizens Can Vote in U.S. Elections

Dry January

So, January is many things, but I think the word most people use to describe it is “long”. Yes, technically it’s tied for the longest month of the year with others, but I’d like to see any other month look hard and long into the cold, grey eyes of January and see who blinks first.
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Republican Representative Smith Announces Run for Arkansas 1st Congressional District

has served the people in District 58, Arkansas House of Representatives for four terms. In his first legislative session, Smith helped pass legislation that protected the life of unborn, defended gun rights, and reduced taxes. He served on Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative & Military Affairs, Public Transportation Committees, and serves as an alternate on Legislative Joint Audit.
Read MoreRepublican Representative Smith Announces Run for Arkansas 1st Congressional District

Head Winter weather, ongoing COVID-19 surge continue to threaten blood supply line 4

Rogers- While there has been a significant and encouraging response to the dire need for blood across the nation, the American Red Cross needs more people to give in the weeks ahead to recover from its worst blood shortage in more than a decade. Those interested in helping are urged to schedule the earliest-available blood or platelet donation appointment in their area to help ensure accident victims rushed to the emergency room, those being treated for cancer and others who count on blood product transfusions can receive lifesaving care without delay.
Read MoreHead Winter weather, ongoing COVID-19 surge continue to threaten blood supply line 4