January 2022

Overcoming a Year of Challenges

As we close out another tough year, I’d like to praise the 3 million people who call Arkansas home. Arkansans always are the first to arrive, they give all they have, and they don’t leave until the job is done. During this last year, Arkansas has had its share of challenges, and we have faced each one with determination and compassion.
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My oldest son and I have recently been debating the proposition that science is dead. As a highly trained dermatologist that proposition is very troubling to him, and he strongly insists it is false. I point out to him that public policy in the United States, specifically the federal government’s response to covid, is unscientific. That policy was fashioned by the top medical officials in the country and enforced by the President.

MCQC approves 2022 Budget

The Marion County Budget Committee met on Tuesday, December 28, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed budget for calendar year 2022, in the Annex Courtroom. Joyce McCalla, Marty Nickels, Claudia Brigham and Talon Vancuren were in attendance as well as John Massey, Judge, Clinton Evans, Sheriff, Carla Purdome, Treasurer, Tonya Epps, Assessor and Cheryl Green, Juvenile Services. James Underwood was absent due to a death in the family.
Read MoreMCQC approves 2022 Budget

CWD found in Randolph County

Dalton– The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has confirmed that a hunter-harvested white-tailed deer taken in Randolph County tested positive for chronic wasting disease. The deer was harvested just south of the Missouri border during the Arkansas modern gun deer hunt.
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New solutions for old challenges

Life’s mysteries unfold in odd ways, don’t they? The Wall Street Journal reports that churches by the thousands are signing up for a service to do to us what corporations and other private groups have done for years – select their targets based on specific, revelatory and actionable data that you might have thought was your own darned business. Feeling blue? Marriage going down the tubes? The big algorithm in the sky can pick up on that based on your search history, and it might send you an ad for a lovely cruise.
Read MoreNew solutions for old challenges