December 2021

Marion County QC realigns the Library Board

On Tuesday, December 14, the Marion County Quorum Court met at 5 p.m. to discuss the Library Board, the resigning Marion County Collector and bonus pay for county offices at the Marion County Courthouse. Attending the meeting was Justices; Mike Scrima, Claudia Brigham, Wesley Shipman, Rick White, Joyce McCalla, Talon Vancuren, Marty Nickels, Brady Madden, James Underwood, and Judge, John Massey.
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Betty Gaedtke on a day in December

As a tribal member of the Quapaw five hundred years ago would have probably found the women by the river under a tree talking about the crops of corn, squash and beans, or the three sisters, and pottery, the men were probably out hunting deer or buffalo. Artist Betty Gaedtke is doing what she can as a one-quarter Quapaw, to rebuild what has been called a dying nation, having lost 80% to smallpox. She has said that her mother was a half-blood and noted the full bloods of the tribe have died. Her mother, now recently gone, was the daughter of the oldest pure blood and her mom was the eldest living half blood.
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Answering the Call to Honor, Remember, and Teach at Christmas

We recently celebrated the life of former Senator Bob Dole, an American hero who dedicated his life to serving others. He sacrificed his own safety and almost paid the ultimate price as an Army lieutenant during World War II and, after he was saved, the people of his Kansas hometown rallied to support his recovery needs. He repaid them by serving as their voice in Washington for decades while also reliably advocating for veterans.
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A Look Ahead to 2022

From reducing income tax to lowering the sales tax on used cars, there are several pieces of tax legislation passed in 2021 that will take effect on January 1, 2022. In the most recent special session, the General Assembly passed Act 1 and Act 2, which are identical pieces of legislation that reduce the top income tax rate for individuals from 5.9% to 4.9% incrementally over the next four years.
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Legislature Year in Review

Little Rock– State government had an eventful year in 2021, and much of the activity occurred in the Arkansas Senate. In January the legislature convened in regular session and approved a list of bills to lessen the impact that public health orders had on individuals and businesses.
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5 Affordable Hobbies to Take Up Today

(StatePoint) Have you ever been reluctant to try a new hobby because you were worried you would spend a lot of money on gear, supplies and other start-up costs only to lose interest? Here are five great ways to explore hobbies more affordably: 1. Language exchange: Rather than purchase pricey software or attend in-person classes, consider finding a language exchange partner.
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NCA Wildlife Tidbits of a Raccoon

Raccoons Have High IQ Levels. When considering the mammal intelligence scale, raccoons rank closer to humans than most people would normally think. In general, monkeys are ranked right below humans and great apes, and with raccoons scoring average IQ levels below monkeys, they are considerably close to human IQ levels as well. In addition to their high IQ scores, raccoons are known to have evolving intelligence and methods of thinking. They can learn from past experiences and engage in critical and problem-solving thinking when obstacles arise. Moreover, because of their notable intelligence, raccoons were once candidates for lab testing alongside rats and monkeys but were discarded for being too smart, adaptive and strong-willed. Raccoons can make
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Public Service Announcement

There are reports of people going door to door, claiming to be with the Secretary of State’s office, asking for personal information to verify voter registration. These individuals are not with the Secretary of State’s office, and we urge you not to give them any information and to report them to local authorities..
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